Category Archives: Uncategorized

Rite Of Passage


WE ALL HAVE DIFFERENT STANDARDS and desires that differ from person to person, culture to culture. People everywhere, even in impoverished and war torn counties have different standards and desires that are no lesser than for others, just different. We didn’t come here to do it the same way, or be alike.

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Inner Demons

Cairns marina

ARE YOU TRYING TO BE SOMEONE YOU’RE NOT? Constantly conforming to what you believe others think you should be? Do you feel like you’re being constantly judged, even when you’re on your own? All this self recrimination, insecurity and mental turmoil is upsetting your enjoyment of life.

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Be True To You

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WE CONSTANTLY WORRY ABOUT what sort of an impression we are making on others. We are concerned about how we look, or whether we are saying or doing the right thing. What the hell for? Who cares? We don’t need to impress anyone. We don’t need to be anything other than who we truly are.

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Black Holes


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ASTROPHYSICISTS are forever searching for missing matter in the universe. They question why there is a certain amount of mass missing that should be there to make the universe work the way it does. They have fancy names like dark matter or dark energy, anti matter etc, but where and what it is they don’t really know.

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Black Holes


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WHO’S TO SAY that a black hole stops at our universe? What if it continues on to a fourth dimensional universe, then a fifth, then a sixth dimensional universe ad infinitum! The inhabitants of all these other universes would be living their lives, experiencing all the dramas, hopes and fears of their particular world, as we do ours, completely oblivious as we are, that other dimensional universes exist.

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