Category Archives: Our Quest For Self Awareness

This Is It! You Are It!


YOU CAN SEARCH FOR THE MEANING OF LIFE all you want, but if you constantly beat yourself up because you fail to ‘See the light’, you may just be missing out on the true purpose of life… which is to embrace all the up and down moments in this life experience from your own unique perspective.

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Questions About Life

a3-Sunset over Lake Wendoree

“WHO AM I?” No-BODY! “Then what am I?” No-THING! “Well then, what’s the reason for me being here?” There is no reason. “But what about ‘ME’? My life, my desires, my personal striving for something better than what I have?” All is pointless. The ‘ME’ that you ‘think’ you are does not exist.

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Life Before Life


DO WE EXIST BEFORE BIRTH? This is a question that’s been contemplated for thousands of years. We are told that we are continually being reincarnated, life after life after life. Reincarnation is the idea, or belief that we experience many different lives not only on our own planet and dimensions, but other ones as well.

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The Quest For Perfection

Aurora australis spotted from Howden, Tasmania, in the early hours this morning by Sophie Fazackerley!

RELIGION TELLS US THAT God is perfect in every way, and that we humans are separate from God, and therefore lesser. But that is not so. What is really going on is that God is forever expanding into greater capacities of love and perfection… and one way that is accomplished is by God experiencing the physical lifetimes that you and I are living.

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Life After Life

DO WE SURVIVE DEATH? After our life is over, do we then earn the right to a period of R and R in the afterlife before we are once again reincarnated? Or is it the case that when our life ends we are immediately reincarnated? Or worse case scenario, is this a onetime life experience – and then we do not exist anymore?

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